Security & Defense

Topics related to national security, defense policies, military affairs, and cybersecurity.

Violence Spreads

March 25, 2024
After the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack in Moscow, the terrorist organization (ISIS-K) claimed responsibility for the attack. Since we won't say this topic is closed, let's dwell on it for a while. Because global violence is spreading and this is not acceptable at all!
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Multi-dimensional Real War

March 4, 2024
We classify wars into generations. Looking at the wars that have occurred, we can talk about a new method of warfare aimed at achieving results by utilizing warfare tactics from every class. Perhaps we will call this "fifth-generation" warfare. Nevertheless, we may still need to look at all of this from the perspective of "real war." When you combine fifth-generation with real war, the result is Multi-dimensional Warfare.
7 mins read

Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Assessing the Path Ahead

February 24, 2024
I evaluate an important war that has reached its second year, predicted to quickly pass its third year, and concerns almost everyone. Looking from today to tomorrow, while developments seem to be against Ukraine, can any changes be made to the situation? Or will today's ambiguity continue? How are the problems on the front lines and in the strategic field developing? Can Putin make his chess moves skillfully?
6 mins read

The Debate on Neo-Imperialism

February 14, 2024
Let's look at today. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Digital Age, an intense period of innovation has begun. If a new sovereignty debate arises regarding artificial intelligence, we cannot remain indifferent to it. Perhaps it may even be necessary to call this the "Age of Neo-Imperialism." The main actors of this age are the powers dominating the new sovereignty phenomenon, highlighted by the power of artificial intelligence.
4 mins read

Whispers of the CIA Chief

January 31, 2024
I would like to share my thoughts on CIA Chief William J. Burns' article titled "Transforming the CIA for the Age of Competition: Espionage and Statecraft" published in Foreign Affairs on January 30, 2024.
5 mins read
Vise grad Group Meeting Prague

Poland Shocks The Visegrad Group: An Uncertain Future For The V4

The Visegrad Group (V4) made up of Poland, Slovakia, The Czech Republic and Hungary are an often overlooked bloc of Central European powers. Originally a “triangle” of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary created in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the now four members (after 1993) of the Visegrad Group have worked together with various degrees of closeness and success. Originally set with the task of developing capitalist and democratic institutions in the post-Soviet era, the largely informal meetings between the V4 countries helped achieve remarkable results for countries who had until then stagnated under the Soviet system. Following
4 mins read
John Kerry Iran Foreign Minister

One Step Forward, No Steps Back: Changing the U.S.-Iranian Relationship

On July 14, 2015, after endless hours of tense negotiations, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCAP) was unveiled to the world.  In the United States, it was hailed as a victory for the non-proliferation regime while others expressed frustration at the number of capitulations the U.S. had made. But the more optimistic supporters of the deal celebrated the rapprochement and suggested a possibility for closer American-Iranian ties. Unfortunately, mere days after the conclusion of the agreement, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Khomeini, Supreme Leader of Iran, squashed any hopes of more cooperation. Sumitha Kutty, an Associate Research Fellow at the S.
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Blaming Europe and Arresting Smugglers Will Not Solve the Mediterranean Migrant-Crisis

The United Nations estimates 60,000 people have tried to cross the Mediterranean this year. Nearly 2,000 have died this year trying to reach Europe from Africa. This is a 20-fold increase for the same time period in 2014 where fewer than 100 perished at sea. 800 of these deaths occurred in the middle of April off the coast of Libya when a fishing trawler collided with a Portuguese container ship. The current lack of law and order in Libya has led to a situation where no state entity is able to control territory, borders – and or sea. As such, hordes of
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ISILationism, Part 3: Eventual Endgame or Endless Games?

In case you missed it be sure to check out the first and second part of the series, ISILationism, Part 1 and ISILationism, Part 2! A question that must be asked when confronting Fundamental Islam is: where and when have terrorism and insurgencies faltered, ultimately failed, and reached complete fallout? The answer, as should be known, is: nowhere and not yet! Salafi Jihadism, under the guise of some newly emerged radical Islam, has been an overt force in the world since the beginning of our current millennium, with no tangible sign for the hopeful demise of its existence. Al-Qaida rose from obscurity
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