China - Page 2

Climate Change and Geopolitical Balances

December 18, 2023
I decided to write this article after the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28). Climate Change is certainly an environmental issue. However, as far as I can see, this topic is related to the mandatory implementation of a major transformation with technological, economic, social, and political aspects. There will also be changes in geopolitical balances, with shifts in centers of gravity. We have already begun to receive signals of these changes. The transformation indicates a major period set according to the schedule of a global revolution. In other words, this is a very important and comprehensive issue aimed at accelerating and concluding all global transformation projects required by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
10 mins read

Propaganda of Dugin

December 18, 2023
Dugin is a figure who strives to find global support for Russia's political goals intermingled with philosophy. He may be a source for Putin and other names in the Kremlin, but this effort seems far from credible and trustworthy.
9 mins read

Knowing the Strategy

December 18, 2023
I would like to think that the importance of strategy is understood. The Cold War was different, and what came after is even more so... What haven't we experienced in these processes! What else can happen? My special effort is to move forward with institutional structures, and in this sense, any shortcomings should be addressed.
17 mins read

Inside the Vision of Global Capitalism

December 18, 2023
There are various approaches to the journey of humanity, from the Age of Discovery, Industrial Revolutions, Enlightenment, Renaissance and Reformation Movements, the French Revolution, to the emergence of nation-states, leading swiftly to the present day. There are authors who remind us of Colonialism, Imperialism, and the Middle Ages from a contemporary perspective. Above all, each day, even every second, is immensely valuable for a world inhabited by 8 billion people!
35 mins read
Chinese economic trouble

Moves to a Service-Based Economy is Likely China’s Catch-22

November 10, 2015
The achievements of President Xi Jinping’s short duration in Britain are the first steps of what China hopes to be the path to becoming a fully-developed country. Proclaimed a “golden era” in relations between the two nations by Prime Minister David Cameron, China views Britain as a “great platform from which China can go global,” according to head of Chatham House’s Robin Niblett. Indeed, as China seeks to shift its economy from an export-based to a service-based economy and to propel the yuan into an internationally-traded currency that could potentially rival the dollar, yen, and Euro, access to Britain’s financial markets
4 mins read

The Business of Death

June 1, 2015
The Chinese life insurance market has grown exponentially since the start of the millennium. Now the fifth largest life insurance market globally, sales have risen from 98 billion yuan in 2000 to 994 billion yuan in the first half of 2014. What perhaps makes this feat more impressive is not only the speed at which the market has expanded, but also the success of being able to market such a product in a culture where discussing death used to be completely taboo. To understand what exactly happened here, we need to rewind the clock a bit, and add a little
3 mins read

Anger Across the Water: Parallel Trading in Hong Kong

The conflict between Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong people doesn’t seem to have an end in any sense. After the influential pro-democracy demonstration in Hong Kong, another protest against Mainland Chinese traders buying up goods to make a profit back home took place recently, and is still going on at the time of writing. Hundreds of Hong Kong residents have gathered to demonstrate against visitors from Mainland China. Hong Kong people are angry with these so-called “parallel traders,” who come to Hong Kong to stock up on lower-priced goods, including food items, luxury goods and electronics only to sell the
3 mins read

Can We Deploy THAAD Now?

South Korean defense officials let out a collective groan on May 9, 2015, as North Korea reportedly conducted a successful test-fire of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). International news websites and security blogs were inundated with photos released by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) of a proud Kim Jong-Un personally overseeing the test launches. The dramatic photos also show the moment the SLBM exited the water. Bukgeuksung-1 (북극성-1), presumably the name of the missile, is seen painted on the side. Though still in its nascent stages, if the reports are accurate, an operational SLBM is alarming for a number
2 mins read

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

January 27, 2015
China’s fundamentals may not be as strong as you’ve been told. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen. The fix is in: China will be the next superpower. We’ve been told the economic projections all assure it, but do they? The same projections were made for the Eastern bloc in the 1960s, Japan in the 1980s, and the Asian Tigers in the 1990s. In each of those decades the conventional wisdom, particularly in the United States, whipped policymakers into a frenzy over the implications of dizzying growth numbers. And yet to varying degrees, history has proven the conventional wisdom wrong. Just
4 mins read

Article Calendar

April 2024